亜人シェアハウス, Ajin Sharehouse, Demi-human Sharehouse
コミュ障の社会人・佐藤圭は、気軽に話せる友達を作るためシェアハウスへの入居を申し込んだ。 そこにいたのは氷見山千雪(雪女)、蛇の目メメ(メデューサ)、Kei Sato, a social worker with a communication disorder, applied to move into a share house in order to make friends with whom he could have casual conversations.The three people there were Himiyama Chiyuki (Yuki-onna), Janome Meme (Medusa), and Reimu Incuria (Incubus).This was a shared house exclusively for demi-humans, which was supposed to be invisible to humans... A difficult start to life in a share house!