賢者の孫 Extra Story
賢者の孫 Extra Story, Kenja no Mago Extra Story, Wise Man’s Grandchild Extra Story, Magis Grandson: Extra Story (manga)
シンがマーリンと出会う35年前、アールスハイド学院ではマーリンが問題児で、聡明な少女メリンダと、天才少年カイルが非情な大学生活を送っていた。Set thirty-five years before Shin met Merlin, at the Earlshide School where Merlin was a troublesome student, Melinda was a brilliant girl, and a prodigy named Kyle was living a ruthless life in college. When Merlin and Melinda began dating, the news of their relationship spread all over the city. Kyle who received reports of it congratulated them but was actually seething with jealousy. After graduation, Merlin and Melinda became hunters while Kyle became a magician.