推しを推せるときに推したいように推すオフ, Oshi wo Oserutoki ni Oshitaiyou ni Osuoff, Oshi o Oserutoki ni Oshitaiyō ni Osuoff, Oshi O Oserutoki Ni Oshitaiyou Ni Osuoff
OL、主婦、大学生…普段接点の少ない女性たちが集まる場所。それは…大好きなアイドルのオフ会!!!私が出会ったハル、マリー、うさぎ、プリンOLs, housewives, college students... A place where women who normally don't have much contact meet together.That's... my favorite idol's off-line party!!!Haru, Marie, Usagi, and Purin, whom I met on SNS, are happy to support their favorite idol, N/A2, and talk about what they have to say. I'm going to go crazy!!Empathy 120%!!