私、愛しの王太子様の側室辞めたいんです!, Watashi, Aishi No Outaishi-sama No Sokushitsu Yametaindesu!
グレンフィル王国の後宮でユリシーズ王子の第一側室として暮らすローズマリーは、ある理由から側室をやめたいと思っていたところ、側室の務めである「祝福の儀式」を命じられることに! Rosemary lives as the first concubine of Prince Ulysses in the inner palace of the Kingdom of Glenphil.For some reason, she wanted to stop being his concubine, but just then, she was ordered to perform her concubine's duty, the "Blessing Ceremony"!?Rosemary was not recognized as an official concubine due to her age, even though she was the oldest concubine for 10 years. If she completes the "Nighting Ceremony", she will really be unable to leave her inner palace! ?