双星の天剣使い, Futaboshi no Tenken Tsukai, Sousei no Tenken Tsukai, Sohoshi No Ten Ken Zukai, Heavenly Sword Of Twin Stars
彼女は帝国の北方辺境を守る名家・張家の娘でありながら、文才に優れ、国民から慕われている美少女でもある。She is the daughter of the Zhang family, a prestigious family that protects the northern frontier of the empire, but she is also a beautiful girl who is both literate and talented, and is adored by her people. She is a beautiful girl who is both literate and talented, and is adored by her people. I want to protect your back. You're a very troubled young lady! She is the one who rescued me, the reincarnated 10000 year old undefeated hero, from the brink of death. Since then, we have trained and lived together like brother and sister in the Zhang family. However, the time was war. The war with a different tribe began. "You see how well I wield the sword?" "I can hit a bow in a hundred different ways? I will make use of my former life's martial arts talent and play an unrivaled role in the world with Hakurei! The reincarnated hero and the beautiful girls in this war-torn sword fantasy begins!