Senpai! Let's Have an Office Romance ♪, Senpai! Ofisu Rabu Shimasho ♪, センパイ!オフィスラブしましょ♪, 선배! 오피스 러브하죠♪, Senpai! Office Love Shimasho ♪
『お兄ちゃんだけど恋に関係ないよね』『異世界出版編集者』のろくしょうこくうが描く、社内ラブコメディ開幕! Love comedy starts at a company drawn by the ROKUSYO Kokuu of "I'm an older brother but love isn't relevant", "Editor of different world publication"! “Some girls from the same department are approaching me for some reason! But there is a reason why she can’t get out of hand…