雷雷雷, Rairairai
宇宙人との戦争から50年。市ヶ谷すみれ、18歳。借金返済のため、宇宙害虫駆除会社で働く。ある日、UFOに拉致されてすみれの日常は一変する!誰かの声が聞こえる。50 years since the war with aliens Sumire Ichigaya, 18 years old.In order to pay off his debt, he works for a space pest extermination company.One day, Sumire's daily life changes completely when he is abducted by a UFO!I hear someone's voice inside my head...A space pest attacks...What's more, they're being targeted by military companies!? “A hitman cannot kill BBA today either. Girl Meets Alien from the genius behind ``Girl Meets Alien!!