Altair Tale of The Great War, Altair ve Savaşlar Kitabı, Altair A Record of Battles, Anastasia no Shinei Taichou, Anastasias Captain of the Guard, The Rising Eagle of the General Nation, Shokoku no A, 将国のアルタイル, 将国之天鹰星, ALTAIR ดาวจรัสฟ้า อินทรีถลาลม, Shoukoku No Altair
歴史学者のカトウコトノが、戦争の時代を舞台に複雑な歴史的ディテールを織り込んだ幻想的な物語を描きます。Kato Kotono, a historian, presents a fantastic tale woven of intricate historical details set in a time of war. Mahmut is a young Pasha serving on the council of the Türkiye Stratocracy. The clouds of war are gathering over his country as the threat of the aggressive Empire looms large. With Türkiyes council split between the warmongers and the pacifists, Mahmut begins his quest to keep the peace at any cost. As he finds himself drawn deeper and deeper in the politics of the ancient world, new enemies and allies surface. Who will prevail? What will Mahmut do if war proves to be inevitable?