1年A組のモンスター, 1st grade, class A of monster, 1학년 A반의 몬스터, 1年A班的怪物, 1-nen A-gumi No Monster
私立女子高は、乙女たちを優雅で繊細な知識人に育てる特殊な学校です。しかし、1 年 A 組は、悪名高いモンスターのクラスとして知られており、いじめっ子、脅迫者、陰謀的なサディスト、その他のトラブルメーカーでいっぱいです。 A Private Girls High is a special school nurturing young maidens to be graceful, delicate intellectuals.However Class 1-A, infamously known as the Class of Monsters, is full of bullies, blackmailers, scheming sadists, and other trouble makers.Within a week, every teacher who has taught this class has either quit, resigned, or even been imprisoned.The plain-looking Jimi Tarou shall carve out his name and become a legendary teacher.